Think Pink Events 2024

Specialist Bra Fitting Information Session with Gen Gort

(Tuesday 5th March to all Think Pink clients)

Genevieve Gort will be joined us to discuss the various bra options available, what to look for when getting fitted and showed us a range of bras, breast forms and breast shapers, lymphoedema bras and swimwear.

Bra fitting specialist Genevieve understands that it takes a lot of courage to step back out into the world after breast cancer surgery and treatment. Restoring visual symmetry with comfortable and beautiful lingerie is Gen’s primary focus.

After breast cancer surgery women need bras that are comfortable and gorgeous, and for some women, a breast form (prosthesis) or breast shapers to restore visual symmetry of breasts.

Genevieve Gort is a registered nurse and a specialist breast-care/surgical garment fitter with 30 years of nursing experience.

Every woman’s needs are different – Genevieve offers a discreet and confidential service helping clients begin the important journey of regaining comfort and confidence after surgery.

– Lymphoedema, Compression Garments and Wraps –

(Tuesday 12th March to Second Hope Support Group)

Sarah discussed Everything you ever want to know about lymphoedema, current research, treatment and therapies.

Sarah gill is a lymphoedema practitioner with a background in education who regularly gives presentations on lymphoedema to other health professionals, consumers, and community groups.  Sarah is registered with the Australasian Lymphology Association and works in Regional Victoria.

Want to know more about lymphoedema right now?  Listen to this interview with Sarah on ABC Central Victoria radio.

– Mens Health with Dr Bernie Crimmins –

( Wednesday 13th March for the Supporting Blokes and Forever Supporting Blokes Groups)

Dr Bernie Crimmins was invited to talk with the Think Pink Supporting Blokes group for an educational and entertaining session about Men’s Health.

Dr Bernie Crimmins graduated from Melbourne University in 1980 and completed his Residency years at St Vincent’s Hospital. He began General Practice in 1983 and has completed a Graduate Diploma of Human Nutrition and a Masters Degree in Public Health.

Bernie has special interests in Nutrition and Weight Management, and Sports Medicine – having been the Hawthorn Football Club’s Medical Officer for 15 years and author of multiple men’s health books.

Specialities in General Medicine include: Nutrition; Weight Management; Sports Medicine.

– Peter Mac Social Workers Susan Dragan and Kimberly –

(Thursday 14th March 2024)

We were luck to be joined by two guest speakers Susan Dragan and Kimberly Cheah from Peter Mac.  

Susan and Kim will talk us through the emotions experienced on a cancer journey and how we can improve our overall wellness. They will discuss navigating a breast cancer diagnosis and the supports available.

Susan and Kim are both social workers at Peter Mac. They are passionate about supporting cancer patients and their families emotionally and practically through their treatment and after as well as educating others about the psychosocial impact of cancer.

Dr Susan Dragon

Susan has been a Social Worker here at Peter Mac for 8 years. Prior to that Susan worked in the asylum seeker sector, mental health and disability. Susan is passionate about supporting cancer patients and their families emotionally and practically through their treatment and after as well as educating others about the psychosocial impact of cancer. Having practiced in various fields of social work and community health over the last 20 years, Susan is passionate about enhancing social work practice through quality improvement projects and research. Susan is a member of the Scientific Acton Committee of PoCog (Psycho-oncology Co-operative Research Group).

Ms. Kimberly Cheah

Kimberly has been a Social Worker at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre since 2020. Prior to joining Peter Mac, Kimberly worked in Neurorehabilitation in Melbourne, and in private psychology practices in Singapore. Kimberly has a particular interest in working with women and children, and has supported this population within the education, community and policy development sector. Alongside her clinical work, Kimberly is a member of the Family Violence Working Group which offers training on how to respond to family violence to Peter Mac staff. Kimberly has a special interest in harnessing digital technology to improve clinical practice and patient outcomes and currently contributes to the digital health space as an Electronic Medical Record Clinician Builder.

– Art therapy with Susan Buchanan –

(Tuesday 9th April 2024 – Fabulous over 50’s Support group)


Hope and cancer survivorship are topical conversations at the moment and can be emotionally difficult to contemplate.

Participants will be invited to draw/paint/sketch a key and then a door with as much detail as they choose. This will be followed by a brief guided relaxation exercise.

This activity will be an opportunity for participants to identify what their cancer experience has brought to their world and how they would like to move forward. Identifying ways of being that can be left behind, acceptance and hope for what the future can look like.

Sandy Buchanan is Arts Therapist, Counsellor, and Clinical Supervisor with over ten years’ experience delivering therapeutic group activities.

Having completed her Master’s in Therapeutic Arts at Think Pink, she has a close connection to our programs and participants.

In her therapeutic work, Sandra draws on her own lived experience of stage 3 breast cancer while using evidence-based processes that are trauma informed, grounding and person centered to promote wellbeing.

More details can be found at

– Guest Speaker Nick Stitt- Voluntary assisted dying –

(Wednesday 24th April 2024 – Second Hope Support group)

Nicky is passionate about providing choice around end-of-life care options and to advocate for the best possible holistic care for her patients. She has a strong commitment to ensure people are treated with respect, dignity and equality.

Nicky Has over 30 years’ experience as a Registered Nurse both in Australia and the UK supporting patients and their carers through end of life and life limiting situations.

She has experience in Intensive Care, Organ Donation, Palliative Care, Neuro- Palliative Care and has been a Nurse consultant with VAD Care Navigator team for over two year

– Art therapy with Susan Buchanan –

(Tuesday 1st May 2024 – Forever supporting blokes and Supporting blokes Support group)


During this workshop we make our own road maps representing our life experiences.

What does your road look like, & what are the obstacles?

Which give us an opportunity to identifying what is in our control and the things that are not. We explore acceptance, reduction of stress and ways to enhance self-esteem.

Sandy Buchanan is Arts Therapist, Counsellor, and Clinical Supervisor with over ten years’ experience delivering therapeutic group activities.

Having completed her Master’s in Therapeutic Arts at Think Pink, she has a close connection to our programs and participants.

In her therapeutic work, Sandra draws on her own lived experience of stage 3 breast cancer while using evidence-based processes that are trauma informed, grounding and person centered to promote wellbeing.

More details can be found at

– Exercise and Breast Cancer –

(Thursday 9th May to all Think Pink clients)

Dale will be discussedexercise during breast cancer and how it can improve the lives of those living with breast cancer.

Dale Ischia is an accomplished Accredited Exercise Physiologist with over 25 years of clinical experience, specialising in oncology for the past 11 years. She is the founder of ‘Moving Beyond Cancer’, a highly-regarded exercise physiology program that is dedicated to improving the lives of people with a cancer diagnosis through appropriately prescribe exercise.

Since acquiring her cancer exercise specialist qualification from the American College of Sports Medicine, Dale has lent her expertise to numerous private clients, organizations, and support groups, including the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Centre, The Alfred, Peter MacCallum, The Cancer Council, Think Pink, Pancare, Prostate Cancer Support Groups, and Ovarian Cancer Australia and the Leukaemia Foundation.

Dale stays up-to-date with the latest research findings and applies them to her clinical practice to provide the best possible education and exercise prescription to her clients and everyone at Moving Beyond Cancer. Her ultimate professional goal is to reduce the side effects of cancer treatment and help people gain a sense of control over their bodies, while also providing a positive focus.

– Career Development-

(Thursday 16th May to all Think Pink clients) 

Sue Bermingham covered how to improve confidence in connection to Hiring Managers and Talent Acquisition. Developing your Resume and LinkedIn Profile and other communication strategies. Also covering some basic interview techniques and answers to some common interview questions

Sue is an accomplished career transition practitioner with extensive experience across a broad range of industries including financial services, professional services, government, start-ups, consulting, retail and manufacturing companies in Australia and the UK. Coached multiple employee levels to be job search ready. Sue is energised by making a difference to employment outcomes and fostering client self-reliance and efficacy to embrace change for successful careers.

First hand experience of Breast cancer and how it impacts return to work.

Experienced in all aspects of Career Transition including assessment and counselling to facilitate and deliver vocational and soft skills coaching to help others create career and job search strategies,  job applications and strong branding profiles.

MBTI and SII accredited. Significant Career transitions projects include TMC Australia, CBA, NBN, Optus, General Mills, Bega Cheese, Woolworths and GSK.

– DAM Busters Dragon Boat Club-

(Thursday 23rd May to all Think Pink clients) 

Who would have thought there could be so much joy, friendship, fun and fitness to be had after a cancer diagnosis.”

Dragon boating is one of the fastest growing water sports in the world.

A team sport with up to 20 people paddling in unison.

The races are fast, loud, and colourful and this makes dragon boat racing an exciting spectator sport.

Participating in regattas held in Melbourne, regional Victoria, around Australia, and sometimes overseas.

With both female and male team members, and the age range of our members is from 13 to 79!

  • Dragon boat for fun, friendship, and fitness
  • Embrace life and improve our wellbeing
  • Support all those who have had breast cancer
  • Promote breast cancer awareness
  • Demonstrate people can lead a very active life despite breast cancer
  • Encourage participation over competition.

– Mindfulness for Resilience –

(Monday 4th June 2024 for all Think Pink clients)

This session outlines:

  • Introduction to meditation using the breath – experiential and discussion.
  • Why is meditation good for mental well-being? – the neurobiology of mindfulness meditations.
  • Does it work? Skim through the evidence for the effectiveness of mindfulness meditations.
  • Incorporating self-compassion with meditation.
  • How to incorporate mindfulness and meditation work into your well-being program.
  • Closing meditation

Dr Sarah Francis is a registered psychologist offering both online and in-person therapy through the Melbourne Mindfulness Institute. Sarah has had a personal meditation practice for over 25 years, starting when she was managing her breast cancer treatment. Sarah has been delivering MiCBT group programs since 2009 both online and face-to-face and with clients individually in her private practice.

Sarah became interested in applying meditation to her clinical work and trained in Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with its developer, Dr Bruno Cayoun. Sarah subsequently worked with Dr Cayoun in the dissemination of MiCBT to clinicians and is co-author of the Clinicians Handbook of MiCBT published in 2019. Sarah conducted a randomised controlled trial that demonstrated the effectiveness of MiCBT with a range of different psychological conditions and two peer-reviewed articles describe this work.

– Hypnotherapy with Mathias Otte –

(Wednesday 5th June 2024 for the Supporting Blokes and Forever Supporting Blokes Support Groups)

For this Supporting Blokes Group meeting, Hypnotherapist, Mathias Otte discussed how hypnotherapy can assist with anxiety, self-confidence, fears and phobias as well as stress management and relaxation.

Mathias Otte is a Melbourne-based clinical hypnotherapist and coach. He is double-certified via the Australian Academy of Hypnosis and the UK Hypnosis Academy and a certified executive coach (IECL).

Mathias has a Master’s Degree in Adult Education/Educational Science and Economics and is passionate about helping people thrive in their jobs and lives through learning, coaching or a hypnotherapy experience.

– The OTIS Foundation –

(Wednesday 12th June 2024 – all Think Pink clients)

Think Pink is joined by Claire Culley, CEO of The Otis Foundation. The Otis Foundation is a national not-for-profit organisation that provides retreat accommodation at no cost to anyone dealing with the challenges of breast cancer. Their aim is that this time away will help guests to reduce psychological impacts of breast cancer giving them time to rest, relax, reconnect, and create invaluable memories. Claire will speak to us about the Foundation, the retreats they offer and how to reach out to them.

With a career that began in nursing, Claire has 25 years of experience in managing complex healthcare services. Through combining work with her passion for supporting those with Breast Cancer, Claire founded the Breast West charity.
Claire is now the proud CEO of The Otis Foundation, a national not-for-profit organisation that provides retreat accommodation at no cost to anyone dealing with the challenges of breast cancer. Claire has been in the role for 4 years and as a breast cancer survivor herself truly understands the value of having time out to reconnect with loved ones.
As a senior woman in my community, Claire has much experience, knowledge, opinions, and skills to share. Claire is committed to mentoring women with extensive business and social skills to work in the not-for-profit sector.
Claire was the very proud recipient of the 2021 Regional Business Woman of the Year Award.
For more information about the great work Otis does go to

– 7 Steps to a happier, healthier and balanced life –

(Thursday 13th June 2024 – all Think Pink clients)

Think Pink is joined by Justin Moran, MD of Just In time Fitness.

Justin will be discussing: Seven steps to a healthier, happier and balanced life covering the following topics:

  1. Lifestyle balance
  2. Goal setting
  3. Do you need a coach, mentor or Personal Trainer
  4. Regular exercise and behaviour change
  5. Body composition
  6. Posture
  7. Nutrition and healthy eating.

Justin Moran: 25+ years experience

Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Movement
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)
Servicing: Melbourne/Geelong/Bellarine Peninsula

In 1997 I completed a four year full-time degree, achieving a Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Movement and a Bachelor of Teaching from Deakin University. My tertiary qualifications combined with now over twenty-five years hands-on experience put me in a select group of elite personal trainers with such high levels of industry expertise, qualifications and experience. Likewise my team have and always will have completed a similar University/Tertiary degree. We are the only Personal Training business that stands by this claim in Victoria – something that I am immensely proud of.

After all these years I still love nothing more than to help people discover the best versions of themselves from a holistic perspective. I have extensive experience and simply love what I do. Let me or my team take you on the most thorough and enjoyable health and fitness experience that will empower you for lifelong change.

– The OTIS Foundation –

(Wednesday 12th June 2024 – all Think Pink clients)

Think Pink is joined by Claire Culley, CEO of The Otis Foundation. The Otis Foundation is a national not-for-profit organisation that provides retreat accommodation at no cost to anyone dealing with the challenges of breast cancer. Their aim is that this time away will help guests to reduce psychological impacts of breast cancer giving them time to rest, relax, reconnect, and create invaluable memories. Claire will speak to us about the Foundation, the retreats they offer and how to reach out to them.

With a career that began in nursing, Claire has 25 years of experience in managing complex healthcare services. Through combining work with her passion for supporting those with Breast Cancer, Claire founded the Breast West charity.
Claire is now the proud CEO of The Otis Foundation, a national not-for-profit organisation that provides retreat accommodation at no cost to anyone dealing with the challenges of breast cancer. Claire has been in the role for 4 years and as a breast cancer survivor herself truly understands the value of having time out to reconnect with loved ones.
As a senior woman in my community, Claire has much experience, knowledge, opinions, and skills to share. Claire is committed to mentoring women with extensive business and social skills to work in the not-for-profit sector.
Claire was the very proud recipient of the 2021 Regional Business Woman of the Year Award.
For more information about the great work Otis does go to

– Art therapy with Susan Buchanan –

(Wednesday 19th June 2024 – Second hope support group)

Motivating Intention Stick

Each participant will make an Intention Stick, something tangible to refer to for inspiration, clarity, and motivation. This process is an opportunity to become more mindful and attentive to our needs and ways we would like to live.

Each participant decorating their Intention Stick in their own individual style, colours and patterns.

Sandy Buchanan is Arts Therapist, Counsellor, and Clinical Supervisor with over ten years’ experience delivering therapeutic group activities.

Having completed her Master’s in Therapeutic Arts at Think Pink, she has a close connection to our programs and participants.

In her therapeutic work, Sandra draws on her own lived experience of stage 3 breast cancer while using evidence-based processes that are trauma informed, grounding and person centered to promote wellbeing.

More details can be found at

– Art therapy with Susan Buchanan –

(Thursday 20th June 2024 – Pink sisters support group)


Draw, paint, sculpt or create a collage of your very own crown.

What are your qualities represented by the crown?

The crown becomes a symbolic representation of our unique strengths and self-worth.

Sandy Buchanan is Arts Therapist, Counsellor, and Clinical Supervisor with over ten years’ experience delivering therapeutic group activities.

Having completed her Master’s in Therapeutic Arts at Think Pink, she has a close connection to our programs and participants.

In her therapeutic work, Sandra draws on her own lived experience of stage 3 breast cancer while using evidence-based processes that are trauma informed, grounding and person centered to promote wellbeing.

More details can be found at

– Complementing your journey through natural support-

(4 July 2024 – Melissa Lewis; Naturopath -Guest speaker to all Think Pink Clients) 

Complementing your journey with natural support

Melissa Lewis is a practicing Naturopath across Australia and founder of Nourish To Flourish Naturopathic Wellness. Her passion focuses on supporting women’s health across all ages of life, including cancer care.

In October 2021, following her 40th birthday, her life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Fit, healthy, no family history and a mother of 3 young children, she has spent the past 3 years becoming an advocate for not only her own health but also supporting women who have walked a similar journey.

She offers her clients a truly integrative approach to naturopathic medicine, by incorporating modern scientific advances, ancient traditions, and holistic wellness. Her treatment strategies are based on providing her clients with the education and resources to achieve their wellness goals. She believes in a collaborative and client empowered model of naturopathic medicine and together will create an individualised plan to guide you back to health.

Today, she is cancer free and a true advocate for supporting women’s health and wellness.

Melissa holds a degree in Naturopathy (Distinction) (BHSc.Nat), a Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology (PostGradDipPsych), Bachelor of Arts (BA. Hist), Medicines Australia Continuing Education Program Certification, and is a qualified yoga instructor (300hr Yoga Teacher Training).

Think Pink Foundation