Metastatic Education POP UP via Zoom – 6 September

  •  06/09/2021
     1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Making Tough Choices

We recently had Dr Sophie Lewis present to the group findings from her research into the lived experience of Metastatic Breast Cancer.  One of the themes she presented was around the subject of “Choice”.   To follow up on this topic we will be joined by Samantha Rennie, who will explore this topic further and provide strategies to assist with the decision-making process in your cancer journey.

      • Are you struggling with the overwhelming number of choices you have to make and the day to day decisions you are confronted with?
      • To what extent does your family or significant others influence the choices you make?
      • Have your lifestyle choices been limited by the treatment you are receiving?
      • How do you make treatment decisions when there are several options on offer?
      • How do you navigate choices around the mass of information on complementary treatments?
      • How do you make the choice to live well now whilst knowing the future is uncertain?

The Covid environment has limited some of our choices even further, adding a whole other layer where choice is taken away.   Join us to gain some tools that will equip us to live fully and deliberately in spite of the uncertain times in which we live.

This is a combined Second Hope & HOT Pink Sisters session.

To make a booking, please fill out the form below or call The Living Centre on 03 9820 2888. We will email you information on how to connect with Zoom once your booking has been confirmed.

If you are new to Think Pink, you will need to fill out a Client Registration Form before your booking can be confirmed.




This program will take place via the online conferencing platform, Zoom.

Think Pink Foundation