Essential Oils Presentation via Zoom – 31 May
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Essential Oils with Monique Poppelaars.
This session will teach you about the power of nature whilst tapping into the world of plants and flowers. You will also be learning practical and simple techniques (a combination of Reflexology on your hands and Aromatic Kinesiology™) to be used in your daily life with the oils that you may already have at home.
Did you know that the scent of essential oils activate the release of natural hormones through our Limbic system, also called the emotional brain? Our sense of smell is strongly linked to our memory association. The scent of freshly cut grass, the scent when walking in the forest or when it has rained.
Join Monique and learn how essential oils can support you on your path to physical, emotional & spiritual wellbeing. Please note, Monique is not affiliated to any essential oil brand.
To make a booking, please fill out the form below or call The Living Centre on 03 9820 2888. We will email you information on how to connect with Zoom once your booking has been confirmed.
If you are new to Think Pink, you will need to fill out a Client Registration Form before your booking can be confirmed.
Venue: Zoom
This program will take place via the online conferencing platform, Zoom.