BCN/Health Professionals Education Session/Networking – Thursday 6 October 5.30pm
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Breast Care Nurses & Health Professionals are invited to a Networking / Catch Up Event at The Living Centre
Think Pink is once again opening its doors and welcoming health professionals to visit the centre, meet our staff and other Breast Care Nurses and learn more about what The Living Centre offers.
You will be treated to a tour of our beautiful new home in the Docklands and enjoy an informative presentation by Dr David Clouston, Pathologist (MBBS, FRACP)
Breast pathology: From the pathology bench to the report
Dr David Clouston is taking us behind the scenes to see how specimens are handled in the pathology laboratory, from when the specimens are first received until the final report is generated. In this talk, he will show us how the specimens are handled when first received, how the tissue is processed and how the slides are made. Then we will look down the microscope and see what he is looking for to make the final diagnosis. This will be a very different presentation on breast pathology!
Dr David Clouston (MBBS, FRACP) has worked in both public and private sector, including setting up and running his own pathology practice, Focus Pathology. David is a highly regarded expert in the areas of breast and urological pathology, and is actively involved in both research and education. We are thrilled David is able to join us for what will be an informative session and hope you are able to join us.
This is a great opportunity to meet other health professionals and increase your knowledge.
*IMPORTANT: Please RSVP by Monday 3rd October.
We hope you can join us as we continue hosting health professional events at our beautiful Living Centre.
To make a booking, please fill out the form below or call The Living Centre on 03 9820 2888. We will email you once your booking has been confirmed.
Venue: Zoom
This program will take place via the online conferencing platform, Zoom.